Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sour Jacks Original Sour Wedges

Wedges, yes. Sour... a little. Also, "New" and "Original" seem at odds.

These have a nice bite with a bit of bounce. They use a combination of gelatin and starch, so there is bounce, but not full "springy-ness" like with a good gummy bear.

Each color does have it's own flavor: cherry, lemonade, orange, strawberry, lime. The flavors are recognizable (for the citrus at least), but not all that pronounced. The wedge shape along with the white stripe is reminiscent of a wedge of a citrus fruit... cherries and strawberries are not citrus fruits.

The sour level is detectable, but not very strong.
Overall these are enjoyable and could be a rebuy, but aren't about to knock anything else off a list of top snacks.

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